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- Oct.26, 2004 -


§ 32.075


  • The Human Relations Commission is established to promote mutual understanding and respect for multi-culturalism and diversity, advocate for peace and justice and encourage tolerance and constructive communication in order to develop a functional, safe and harmonious community. The Commission will work to safeguard equal opportunity, overcome divisiveness, violence and all forms of discrimination against people for reasons including nationality, religion, race, class, physical and mental disability, gender, marital status and sexual orientation.


      (Ord. 507, passed 10-26-2004)

§ 32.076


  • (A)  Composition.  There is hereby created and established a commission to be known as the Human Relations Commission consisting of 12 members.


  • (B)  Advisory groups.  The Commissioners shall have the power to select additional volunteers to various advisory groups as needed.


  •   Initially, after gathering suggestions from the community at large, the Mayor and City Council shall each appoint six Commissioners; two each for a term ending July 1, 2005, two each for a term ending July 1, (C)  Appointments.2006 and two each for a term ending July 1, 2007. Each year on July 1, the Mayor shall appoint one Commissioner, the City Council shall appoint one Commissioner, and the Commission shall nominate at least five candidates with one to be chosen by the Mayor and then one to be chosen by the City Council. No approvals are necessary.


  • (D)  Terms.  Initially, four Commissioners shall be appointed for a term ending July 1, 2005; four Commissioners shall be appointed for a term ending July 1, 2006; and four Commissioners shall be appointed for a term ending July 1, 2007. Each year on July 1, four Commissioners shall be appointed for three-year terms.


  • (E)  Qualifications.  The members of the Human Relations Commission, as nearly as possible, shall be representative of the various racial, religious, national, cultural, labor, business and ethnic groups of the city.They should support the purpose of this subchapter. Membership shall not be limited to residents of the city, but appointments may be made from the entire local community.


      (Ord. 507, passed 10-26-2004)

§ 32.077


  •   The Commission shall designate one of its members as chairperson, (A)  Officers.secretary and other essential officers.


  • (B)  Rules.  The Commission shall adopt rules and regulations governing its meetings and procedures.


  • (C)  Removal.  Upon written recommendation by the Commission, the Mayor may remove a Commissioner for reasons consistent with the rules and regulations of the Commission, with approval by the City Council.


  • (D)  Replacement.  In the event of death, resignation or other termination of membership, the authority who appointed that Commissioner shall appoint a successor for the balance of the unexpired term.


  • (E)  Quorum.  Shall be defined as six Commissioners.


       (Ord. 507, passed 10-26-2004; Am. Ord. 527, passed 10-10-2006)

§ 32.078


  • The members of the Human Relations Commission shall serve without compensation, but subject to approval of the Mayor and City Council and within the amounts as appropriated by the city, shall he reimbursed for expenses actually and necessarily incurred in connection with their duties as members of the Commission.


      (Ord. 507, passed 10-26-2004)

§ 32.079


  • The City Council shall make available to the Human Relations Commission, when possible, the necessary accommodations or office space required for the performance of its functions, and shall provide reasonable supplies and clerical and secretarial help for the chairperson and for the Commission.

       (Ord. 507, passed 10-26-2004)

§ 32.080


In order to achieve the purpose set forth in § 32.075, the Human Relations Commission shall:

  • (A)  Promote mutual understanding and respect among all residents of the community;

  • (B)  Discourage and prevent by persuasion, prejudice, intolerance and discriminatory practices against any individual or group;

  • (C)  Disseminate information and educational materials consistent with the purpose of this subchapter

  • (D)  Investigate, collect data and study complaints and problems arising between groups or individuals which result or may result in tensions, discrimination or prejudice in the city;

  • (E)  Provide conciliation and mediation services as a means to resolve complaints. May request the City Attorney to issue subpoenas for information relevant to ongoing investigations;

  • (F)  Formulate educational programs and campaign to assist various groups and agencies in the community;

  • (G)  Coordinate programs with schools that promote mutual understanding and respect in the school system;

  • (H)  Cooperate with city, state, federal and other governmental or private agencies in the promotion of better human relations;

  • (I)  Prepare and submit reports to the Mayor and the City Council of its activities, making at least one complete report annually by January 1, and any other reports and recommendations requested by Mayor or City Council;

  • (J)  Review employment practices and hiring procedures and make recommendations to the Mayor and City Council on ways to ensure a diversified work force;

  • (K)  Adopt, promulgate, amend and rescind suitable rules and procedures to carry out the provisions of this subchapter; and

  • (L)  Review the dissemination of important city information, voting materials and other information critical to the health and welfare of the residents of the city, in languages other than English, and make recommendations to the city.

       (Ord. 507, passed 10-26-2004)

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